Privacy & Disclaimer


At Limitless Hair Global, we value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. We take extensive measures to ensure that all information submitted to us through our website is kept confidential and secure.

However, despite our efforts to protect your data, we cannot guarantee 100% security. We suggest that you take necessary precautions to safeguard your personal details, including keeping your username and password confidential and changing your password regularly.

Please be aware that any information you publicly post, such as product reviews or blog comments, can be accessed by third-party organizations and may result in unsolicited emails. We caution you to exercise discretion and consider carefully before submitting any information that you may not be comfortable with being publicly available.

Please note that our website may contain links to external sites that are not affiliated with Limitless Hair Global. We do not endorse or assume any responsibility for the content, policies, or practices of these sites.

By using our website, you acknowledge and agree to our privacy policy and disclaimer. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at any time.




General Privacy Information

LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL takes reasonable processes to protect your personal information once it is in our possession, however we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us before it reaches us, and this is done so at your own risk.

Remember, you are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your sign in ID, password, account information and personal information. 

Publicly disclosing information, whether it be personal or not, on any public website interactive service such as blogs, reviews and product recommendations can be collected, claimed and/or used to send unsolicited messages by other parties not under the control of LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL.

Additionally, please don’t submit any information on public website interactive service that you don’t want the whole world to know!

Links to other websites

Once you have selected these links to leave our website, LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL does not have any control over these other websites, nor can LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL be responsible for the privacy of any personal information provided whilst visiting these websites as these websites do not fall under the protection of the LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL privacy policy.

The LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL privacy policy only addresses activities from servers and/or LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL stores and does not cover the privacy policies of other websites or stores which we do not control, or of companies that LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL does not own, or of third party partners, advertisers, service providers or the actions of people that LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL does not employ, manage or control.

It is highly recommended that you refer to the privacy policy of any website or store you visit. This includes social media websites such as, and not limited to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Google+ or Instagram.


LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google. This service analyses how visitors interact with our website and will set cookies for this website. 

Cookies work by assigning a unique number to the visitor that has no meaning outside the assigning site. A cookie can’t read data off your hard disk drive or read cookie files created by other sites.

When you visit our servers will automatically record information that your browser sends whenever you visit a website. This data may include: 

  • Your computer’s IP address
  • Your browser type
  • The pages you visit on the LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL website
  • The time spent on those pages, items and information searched for on our site, access times and dates and other statistics.


  • LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL is committed to ensuring that your personal information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.
  • LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL utilises a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal information. All member information is secured and is only accessible by a limited number of LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL staff that have special access rights.
  • LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL does not store credit card payment information by any means whether it be electronically or otherwise.
  • LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL uses 2048 bit SSL Comodo (secure sockets layer) encryption technology when processing your financial details.
  • Remember, you are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your sign in ID, password, account information and personal information.

What we collect & what we do with it?

LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL collects personal information by which you can be identified when using or LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL stores. Whether you choose to give

or LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL stores personal information is completely up to you.

Please note that if you do withhold certain information, it is likely that you will not be able to use some of our services and/or order and/or sign up.

When you sign up, order or utilise the guest check out on or LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL stores (including in person, by email, phone and online) Your personal information will be added to our database and may be used by LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL on an ongoing basis for the purpose of marketing communications, which will include our regular email newsletter that includes new products and offers.

The personal information LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL may collect includes: 

  • Your name
  • Delivery and billing address
  • Email address
  • Contact number
  • Product wish lists
  • Transaction details
  • Enquiry details
  • Business name (applicable to LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL Trade Program sign-up)
  • Hair trade qualification (applicable to LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL Trade Program sign-up)

This above personal information provided allows LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL amongst other items to: 

  • Complete an order or enquiry
  • Communicate transactional and delivery information required to service an order or enquiry
  • To provide and administer operations, products, services and enquires
  • Process payments, exchanges and refunds
  • Maintain and update records
  • Complete Registrations
  • Verify warranty information and registrations
  • Verify your identity
  • Conduct marketing campaigns
  • Conduct surveys to provide your feedback
  • Run competitions
  • Understand your requirements better and Improve and personalise the LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL experience
  • Educate and manage our team
  • Protect our lawful interests
  • And to facilitate any potential acquisitions or acquisitions of our business

This personal information may be exchanged with our related companies and with our third party partners located in Australia, USA, and other countries to assist us with: 

  • Payment systems and services
  • Data systems and processing services
  • General information technology services
  • Archival and document management services
  • Auditing services
  • Accounting services
  • Legal services
  • Business consulting services
  • Education services
  • Banking services
  • Delivery and mail services
  • Insurance services
  • Data analysis services
  • Website analysis services
  • Research services
  • Marketing services
  • Website and customised content services
  • Other Services

Newsletter & Marketing Communication

LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL provides free newsletters to distribute LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL content. Your personal information may be used by LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL on an ongoing basis for the purpose of marketing communications including new products and offers unless you opt out or we are prevented by law. For example, when you sign up, order or utilise the guest check out, your personal information will be added to our database and may be used by LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL on an ongoing basis for the purpose of marketing communications including new products and offers. You may elect to stop receiving marketing communications at any time by following the simple unsubscribe or opt-out instructions on any communications you receive or alternatively by contacting our Customer Service  with your specific request.

Competition Participation

Occasionally, LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL will request visitor participation in Competitions. It is entirely optional to participate and is not compulsory when entering or using our website or stores. 

Whilst many competitions are hosted and controlled by LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL, there are times in which a third party competition sponsor will host and collect personal information. It is highly recommended that you refer to the privacy policy of any competition sponsor.

Survey Participation

Occasionally will request your valued feedback in surveys. It is entirely optional to participate and is not compulsory when entering or using our website or stores.

Questions About This Policy

The LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL privacy policy is not intended to limit our obligations or handling of personal information under the privacy act and other applicable laws. Our goal is that the LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL privacy policy continually meets all legal requirements in order to maintain your privacy. Additionally, LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL will provide relevant personal information If required by law to do so. If you have any questions about the LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL privacy policy, or are not satisfied with the way in which we handle your enquiry or complaint, or if you believe that your privacy has been breached by LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL please don’t hesitate to contact us at: info  Or attention to: LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL Privacy Officer LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL Pty Ltd, 5 Inglis Road, Ingleburn NSW 2565 Australia

Stockist Privacy

LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL respects the privacy of all stockists and reserves the right to not provide any private or personal information, unless otherwise authorised and confirmed with partnered brands.

LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL only sells genuine products which are sourced from the Australian distributor, and/or overseas through other official distributors. 

For any stockist or supplier related enquiries, please feel free to email LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL Sales Team.

Email Disclaimer

Please note that in all cases to access or change any personal information, you will be required to submit a valid sign in ID and password for authentication before any changes can be made. If you are denied to access or change any personal information, we will provide a reason why. You may elect to stop receiving marketing communications at any time by following the simple unsubscribe or opt-out instructions on any communications you receive or alternatively by contacting our Customer Service info  with your specific request. If you wish to change your account or password you can do so by signing in to the My Account page and following the simple instructions. If you have forgotten your password, you may reset your password by visiting the sign in page and follow the simple instructions required to request a password reset. LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL does not utilise the services of telemarketers or call centres, however you may receive a call from our customer service team regarding any account changes, sign up issues, order issues or to validate data where required.

Changing Your Personal Information

Please note that in all cases to access or change any personal information, you will be required to submit a valid sign in ID and password for authentication before any changes can be made. If you are denied to access or change any personal information, we will provide a reason why. You may elect to stop receiving marketing communications at any time by following the simple unsubscribe or opt-out instructions on any communications you receive or alternatively by contacting our Customer Service info  with your specific request. If you wish to change your account or password you can do so by signing in to the limitless My Account page and following the simple instructions. If you have forgotten your password, you may reset your password by visiting the sign in page and follow the simple instructions required to request a password reset. LIMITLESS HAIR GLOBAL does not utilise the services of telemarketers or call centres, however you may receive a call from our customer service team regarding any account changes, sign up issues, order issues or to validate data where required.